Using Xcode 14.3.1 on macOS Sonoma

Caio Farias Soares
2 min readJun 8, 2023


Just updated your MacBook to Sonoma to try out the SwiftData or Game Porting Toolkit and lost access to your work project locked behind Xcode 14.3.1? Fear not! Even though Apple tries to dissuade you from doing it, it’s fairly simple.

Download Xcode 14.3.1

Head over Xcodereleases or click here to download Xcode 14.3.1 from Apple. Noted that you need a developer account to download it this way. Unpack it.

"If only a grey symbol could stop me! Muahahaha!"

Execute it.

If you try to run it, you'll be properly told to not do that. Now's where it lays. Right click Xcode 14.3.1 and click "Show package content", then navigate "Contents", "MacOS", and you'll be prompted with an executable. Right click the executable and click "Create Shortcut". Run it, and you'll be prompted with this fabulous screen:

This is severely under tested!

"Recipe for Failure", Swift on Xcode

From my experience, I was able to create a project on 14.3.1 and compile it, then edit the project on 15, compile and save it. Back in 14.3.1, the project was compilable on the simulator but not on bare metal. Trying to compile it on bare metal threw the following error:


I'm not responsible if anyone borks their project!



Caio Farias Soares

computer engineering undergraduate and apple developer academy student, currently open to work with iOS